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Report animal abuse

Mistreatment Abandonment Sexual abuse...

“Only the animals were not expelled from paradise”

At an administrative level, there is no single regulation for the entire State, so we will have to attend to what is regulated by each of the Autonomous Communities or Cities. Thus, there are actions that may or may not be sanctioned depending on where we are.

In addition, the City Councils have Municipal Ordinances that regulate the possession of animals, so that they can also establish minimum standards of animal welfare for those who are in a certain municipality or city.

At the criminal level, the regulation is state, a single Penal Code applicable to the entire State. It regulates cases of mistreatment and abandonment of non-wild animals.

Depending on the case before which we find ourselves and the urgency of the action, we will have to resort to criminal or administrative channels.

Send your complaint

Detailed description of the facts, indicating:
a place
b) date
c) hour

Identification of the reported person.

If you do not know who it is, provide all the information we have so that subsequent identification is possible. For example, from what portal have we seen it come out, identifying features, etc.

Identification of the animal(s): type of animal, its characteristics, etc.

a) Witnesses to the facts: names and surnames, address and telephone number, requesting that they be summoned as witnesses.
b) Graphic evidence showing the date of the events.
c) Veterinary reports.
d) Screenshots.

It is important to know that we all have an obligation to report criminal acts such as mistreatment, abandonment and sexual abuse of animals. In addition, it is essential that we become aware of the importance of acting in these cases, making reality visible and moving forward to guarantee that the minimum standards of animal welfare and respect are met.

In the case of finding yourself in a situation of animal abuse in which the animal is at risk of death or the aggression is taking place at that very moment, you must act:

By calling the emergency telephone number 112, where you will be redirected to the nearest competent police (normally local or regional police).
Directly calling the telephone number of the nearest competent police
If there is a deployment of the Civil Guard in your territory, you can also call SEPRONA (062).

ABADA (Balearic Association of Lawyers for Animal Rights).
It offers free legal guidance for cases of animal abuse in the Valencian Community, mainly to non-profit associations.
Free Justice Service in the Balearic Islands for cases of animal abuse
Free, exclusive and specific legal guidance service for cases of possible animal abuse in the Balearic Islands. It offers an initial orientation on the measures that can be adopted and/or the currently existing reporting tools.
Telephone 971 179 400 – extension 1004. (During business hours from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.)
The service is provided on the first Friday of each month, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at the ICAIB Palma headquarters (La Rambla, 10) and through the appointment system, which can be booked by sending this web form