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When asked about the relationship we share with our beloved horses and donkeys, we sometimes notice that some people may find it strange or unusual. However, from our perspective, this relationship is a deep source of satisfaction and meaning, and we are amazed that others might perceive it differently.

Our approach to our equine companions goes beyond simply using them to fulfill specific needs. We don’t see them as mere tools for riding or performing tasks, but as beings with their own needs, desires, and unique personalities. In our world, we share a coexistence, collaborate in harmony, and form bonds that transcend conventional norms.

To us, each horse and donkey is a host in their own world, and we feel honored to be a part of their lives. By building relationships based on trust, mutual respect, and deep communication, we create an environment where we can all express ourselves freely and without fear. This mutual trust is the foundation of our connection and allows us to enjoy each interaction in a meaningful and enriching way.

Over time, we have come to sincerely love our equine friends. This love goes beyond their utility and becomes a manifestation of appreciation for their beauty, presence, and spirit. Every shared moment, whether it’s stroking them, walking together, or working as a team, becomes an opportunity to strengthen our bonds and nurture our relationship.

A crucial component of this connection is the emphasis on the freedom and autonomy of our horses and donkeys. We don’t seek to impose our will upon them, but rather to collaborate in harmony. We recognize their ability to make decisions and value their contributions to our relationship. This dynamic of equality and mutual respect allows us to grow together and learn from one another.

Our relationship with our beloved horses and donkeys is a story of love and collaboration. We see them as valuable individuals, as loyal friends, and as partners in this beautiful journey called life. Each day we spend with them is a reminder of the beauty of connections between different species and the depth of satisfaction they can bring to our lives.